Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday night run

Went for a another Friday night run, a little earlier than last Friday. I started out a bit quicker but jogged at a slower pace for the majority of it. Still made it farther than Wednesday's run so that's a good sign.

For dinner this evening I grilled some turkey burgers. I ate one with some lettuce, light mayo and spicy mustard on a whole wheat sandwich thin. It made for a nice combination of flavors whereas the turkey burger by itself would have been a bit bland. While I was grilling, I did sample half of a burger to make sure they were cooked all the way through, this being my first time grilling ground turkey. Next time I plan on having some fresh rosemary available to enhance it.

According to my food diary, dinner was only 434 calories but I feel full.

Tomorrow is a big day. It will be one month since I started this blog and took the first picture of myself. I also plan on weighing in first thing tomorrow morning. Not sure what to expect but I'll be sure to post the results.

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